Doctoral Programme on Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation
 General information on the programme


MARES is a Joint Doctoral Programme on Marine Ecosystem Health & Conservation funded through Erasmus Mundus. The programme is offered by a consortium of 25 partners originating from 14 different countries. MARES focus on six scientific and applied fields, all dealing with the effects of the impact of humans on the natural marine environment.

MARES is funded for 5 years and offers for each of these 5 years approximately 9 fellowships for doctoral researchers. These fellowships are funded for 3 years and always involve at least 2 partners with an obligatory mobility component.

The MARES doctoral programme defines a common foundation upon which all doctoral candidates must build, regardless of the chosen doctoral subject or involved partners. This common foundation can be summarized as :

  • Research periods with at least two MARES partner institutions
  • Co-tutelle, resulting in a Joint Doctoral Degree
  • Obtaining at least 10 credits in transferable skills and 10 credits in advanced research topics
  • Attending at least two MARES Annual Meetings
  • Attending at least two international scientific conferences (with a poster or oral presentation)
  • Having at least one publication accepted in a peer reviewed journal.

The last call for applications took place in 2014. No new MARES scholarships will be offered in the nearby future.

MARES although aims to attract PhD candidates without a MARES Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate fellowship and is open to accept other Doctoral Candidates who have secured a grant from other sources. This can be in one of the remaining PhD subjects which were evaluated non-eligible for EM funding or in cooporation with the promoter of a certain doctoral subject.

MARES also offers a Training Programme. All MARES Doctoral Candidates are obliged to follow and complete the MARES Joint Doctoral Training Programme. However, other Doctoral Candidates are invited to join this training programme as well.


    Latest News:

    Update Provisions for the processing of Personal Data in the context of the Erasmus Mundus Programme.

    We are very proud to announce that MARES researchers from the Fifth and last Edition are graduating since September 2018.

    Consortium Partners


    MARES is a Joint Doctorate programme selected under Erasmus Mundus coordinated by Ghent University (FPA 2011-0016). MARES is also endorsed by the Euromarine Consortium.

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